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Recent Fantasy Baseball Articles
Weekly Hitter Rankings: Miami Runs Machine
The Miami Marlins are set up for a big week, facing a relatively weak set of starting pitchers, and the Marlins could capitalize with a big week of offense, as Todd Zola presents this week's Hitter Rankings.
Weekly Pitcher Rankings: May is for Streaming
Logan Webb takes the mound twice to take the top spot in Todd Zola's weekly pitcher rankings. With May coming, it might be time for some streaming in your fantasy rotation.
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It's Houston Astros vs. Colorado Rockies south of the border in Mexico City, with John Bollman presenting MLB Best Bets for Saturday, April 27.
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Jordan Walker has been demoted in April for the second year in a row. What went wrong this time around?
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The Philadelphia Phillies are road warriors visiting the San Diego Padres in a key National League matchup, highlighting Michael Rathburn's MLB Bets and Expert Picks for Friday, April 26.
College Baseball Picks for Friday, April 26
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Dig into Friday's college baseball picks from John Venezia as he lines up his best bets from an SEC clash between Mississippi State and Vanderbilt in Nashville.
What Does It Mean for Jared Jones to Be This Good This Early?
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Erik Halterman does a deep dive on Jared Jones' hot early season start and whether or not it's sustainable.
MLB FAAB Factor: More Than the NFL Draft Happening
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 Jorge Martin, check in with Thursday FAAB, and his pickups include the Orioles' Heston Kjerstad who might hit his way to the lineup before too long.
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